Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Iran, Israel, Nuclear weapons, and Gun Law.

Ahmadinejad: 'American empire' nearing its end -
The Anti-Defamation League released a statement saying the Iranian leader showed he "is deeply infected with anti-Semitism" and displayed "the true threat the Iranian regime poses to Israel, the United States and the West."

I for one am tired of being dragged into this millennia old fight between the Jews and the Palestinians. I don't see this man as a threat to "the west" any more than any other fundamentalist, and we consistently elect those to run our country so whats the big deal?

I see a man tired of being told he can't have guns by people with guns. And as much as a terrorist as this makes me I've seen in photographic evidence just what the Israeli's are capable of, and I see them constantly trying to drag me in.

I'm the first to admit i don't really understand the animosity between the two, but i can definitely see some of the problems. There are serious legal and ethical issues intrinsic to the history of the formation of Israel and those issues need to be addressed, but at the same time, if we spent our time fighting over what our parents did, we'd never have time for anything else which is why i think that whole region is so lacking in innovation, These things are important yes, but not enough to give up the future.

I think of nuclear law much like i think of gun law. the less the better. If we're dumb enough to blow ourselves up, then we shouldn't be allowed to live, and the only way to truly test that is to hand everyone a nuke. We don't even have to make more, just divvy up the thousands America has made.

I don't understand the hesitation, as mentioned before religious nutbars run everything, yet they act like they are afraid to die even as they pray for the "final battle."

I say we return to our roots, commerce with all alliance with none. Why not sell nukes openly? Think how much one would go for on eBay. And think how many schools it would build.

Mass communication and global economics have made us a single organism. Life is risk, to live in fear is suicide. I for one trust humans not to self annihilate. And if they are not worthy of that trust they are not worth of oxygen. I own guns, I've not killed anyone, or myself. I think most countries are at least that smart, even when run by morons, monsters or children.

But like I said, I'm open to correction.

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