Thursday, February 12, 2009

Teen charged with billing school for $37K of candy.

Teen charged with billing school for $37K of candy
The teen faces two counts of felony telecommunications fraud. He was being held in Middletown City Jail on more than $30,000 bond.

This is just fucking disgusting. It's called a prank, look into it. Why do we even bother having school? How about we just give the kids tests and put them in jail if they fail. You know what maybe we should just skip the middleman and put them in jail from the start. I mean really that would be a whole lot easier. Pretty much that's what we do anyway. I mean how is school not like a minimum security prison. You've got your guards you've got your drug madness you've got your metal and glass construction you've got your clear backpacks and your random searches.

Where was this gung ho arrest everything attitude when I was in school. and did you ever notice that primarily the times kids get arrested is when they're hurting the school, not each other. Kind of shows you where their priorities are doesn't it.

But like anything else to do with school you'll it understand better the moment you realize that school's purposes is not education but conformity training.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Racists Threaten To Abandon GOP

Racists Threaten To Abandon GOP Over Election Of First African-American Party Chairman | Hatewatch | Southern Poverty Law Center
Racists Threaten To Abandon GOP Over Election Of First African-American Party Chairman

It’s not easy being a white supremacist these days.

Already reeling from Obama’s win in November, believers in white superiority were dealt another blow last week when former Maryland Lt. Gov. Michael Steele became the first African-American to head the Republican Party.

Extremists view Steele’s election to the helm of the Republican National Committee as a betrayal by the party that many considered, in their words, “the lesser of two evils.” On blogs and online forums, they excoriated the Republican Party for supposedly pandering to minorities while abandoning what they see as its white base.

First off as a white man on his 26th year in Kentucky, who despite only knowing 2 or 3 casual racists and not a single vocal or active one, enjoys the national stigma of being a toothless hate spouting redneck simply by virtue of my location, which is ironic when you consider the entire beef with racism is about hating people without just cause, I am damned amused at any annoyance levied against the skin-color-means-a-damn crowd.

That being said, I'd like to take this opportunity to annouce my displeasure with the very real difference in the mind of the public between black pride and white pride. I am aware that writing that sentence is enough to get me accused of being a racist, being that I'm both white and from Kentucky.

My official position is that if race is to be considered a non-issue in society it needs to be treated as such.

There should be no affirmative action because it amounts to government policy creating an advantage based on race and eliminating that sort of behavior was the whole point of the civil rights movement.

There should be no hate crime law for the same reason. Though, not for the common thought crime reason given as we've already gone down that road by allowing intent a place in criminal law. We kill thought criminals. (murder vs manslaughter)

There should be no scholarships divided by race, gender, creed, etc. accepted at publicly funded or tax exempted schools.

It should not ask your gender or race on any government employment or assistance application.

In short, the only people who should ever need to factor in your race are those in the medical community.

Now before you argue think about how often a job application asks your favorite color. Not very often right? Why? Because it bloody well doesn't matter in the context of job fitness, which is exactly where we want race to be right? If that didn't sell you, nothing will.

I am neither proud nor ashamed of my "Heritage" as this includes primarily decisions made by others now dead who did not consult me, and therefor I share not in the credit, and my race, which I had no choice about.

For the record I would have chosen to be a pit viper. I like the whole idea of heat vision and eating once a week. Or perhaps an ant colony, I like the idea of each of my brain cells being encased in armor, and the whole potential for immortality.

In short, white pride needs its negative connotations for being stupid, but once you go down that road so does black pride, country pride (unless you're very much politically active), pride in your favorite sports team, tall pride, or any other pride for an accomplishment you are related to in any fashion separate from choice/will/action.

In fact pride in choice of soda is more valid than pride in heritage.

Public admission: I am a coke supremacist. :)

Sunday, February 8, 2009

What Got Cut

What got cut from the stimulus bill -
What got cut from the stimulus bill(CNN) -- A coalition of Democrats and some Republicans reached a compromise that trimmed billions in spending from an earlier version of the Senate economic stimulus bill.

• $100 million from National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (original bill $427 million)
• $122 million for Coast Guard polar icebreaker/cutters
• $100 million for distance learning
• $2 billion for broadband
• $100 million for National Institute of Standards and Technology
• $50 million for detention trustee
• $50 million for NASA
• $50 million for aeronautics
• $50 million for exploration
• $200 million for National Science Foundation
• $100 million for science
• $122 million for Coast Guard Cutters, modifies use
• $5.8 billion for Health Prevention Activity
• $2 billion for Health Information Technology Grants
• $1.25 billion for project based rental
• $2.25 billion for Neighborhood Stabilization
• $1.2 billion for retrofitting Project 8 housing

Boy it's a good thing Learning and Compassion are such high priorities in our government policy hirarchy. /Sarcasm

Man Robs Bank So He Can Go Back To Jail

Police: Man Robs Bank So He Can Go Back To Jail - Local News Story - WLKY Louisville

Man Robs Bank So He Can Go Back To Jail
Edward Sutherland Hoping For Federal Cell
By Steve Burgin/WLKY

Lt. Jim Mueller with the Metro Robbery Unit said all their suspect wanted was a one-way ticket back to prison, preferably in the federal system.

Sadly he doesn't get to goto federal prison. And why be shocked? Prisoners are indeed treated better than the poor in many ways, but do not dare construe that as some kind of blood thirty idiot demand for further neglect and cruelty to prisoners, quite the reverse.

I just think if we are prepared to feed rapists we should be prepared to feed the homeless.

And yes it's the rich who should foot the bill. The more you have the more you pay such that any money past 100 million dollars is taken.

The rich in my view constitute a standing crime against humanity.

There is literally nothing any single human can do to earn the right to sit on 100 million dollars or more.

One is enough for anyone. If you can't be happy with one million dollars you need brain surgery or heavy medication, and you damn sure should not be given any more money.

Because you know what? Someone starved to death today you selfish whiny parasite. I don't care if you gave five million away, if you have 2.5 left, you didn't do enough.

Texan who died in prison cleared of rape conviction

Texan who died in prison cleared of rape conviction -
A Texas district court judge Friday reversed the conviction of a man who died in prison nearly a decade ago, almost two decades into a prison sentence for a rape he swore he did not commit, CNN affiliate KXAN reported.
Timothy Cole died in prison while serving a sentence for a rape DNA tests show he did not commit.

Timothy Cole died in prison while serving a sentence for a rape DNA tests show he did not commit.

Timothy Cole was convicted and sentenced to 25 years in prison for the 1985 rape of 20-year-old Michele Mallin.

That poor man. Things of this sort throw into doubt the entire prison system.

Prisons are immoral in my opinion and I don't feel like trying to convince you of why and what our alternatives are. It's simply too complicated to explain with any brevity, and it's somewhat off subject.

Remember this man and the potentially thousands of others the next time you think prisoners are worthless, or different from you. Wrongful arrest can happen to anyone, even you.

Think about that the next time you complain about someone's light sentence, or make a drop the soap joke. Remember this the next time you complain about criminal's rights, or how well armed and revered the police should be.

Remember, criminals are people too, and you can all too easily find yourself the one behind bars trying desperately to convince everyone you're innocent, and as this poor man has shown you may die trying.

Friday, February 6, 2009

The only way through is out.

Thought things were bad? US survivalists await worse - Yahoo! News
Thought things were bad? US survivalists await worse

Survivalists have a long history in the United States. But what used to be the preserve of anti-establishment loners, cultists and gun nuts has gone mainstream.

Government agencies are encouraging citizens to prepare evacuation plans and food supplies in case of myriad disasters.

Firearms, gold pieces, and long-storage food are reportedly flying off the shelves, and the Internet is flooded with sites like, where the like-minded exchange tips on everything from marksmanship to cheese making.

Freedom via exit is not just a disater preparedness thing. It's also a political thing. Voting with your feet is often the most empowering sort of vote.

Forget something?

UK spends billions on high-tech IDs, forgets to buy card readers
UK spends billions on high-tech IDs, forgets to buy card readersbritish_residence_permit_verso

I think it's a ploy. I think the forces of light secretly manuvered this to kill the card.

Maybe I'm being optimisitc.

I guess the Obama election is getting to me. :)

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Scientists Find that Low Self-Esteem & Materialism Goes Hand in Hand

Scientists Find that Low Self-Esteem & Materialism Goes Hand in Hand
Scientists Find that Low Self-Esteem & Materialism Goes Hand in Hand

Rodeo_drive_2 “Advertising has us chasing cars and clothes, working jobs we hate so we can buy shit we don't need.”

~From the movie Fight Club, based on the novel by Chuck Palahniuk

A Galaxy classic...with a recession going full force, we thought this feature might help ease the pain.

Researchers have found that low self-esteem and materialism are not just a correlation, but also a causal relationship where low self esteem increases materialism, and materialism can also create low self-esteem.

Well duh. Seriously what are we going to pay to steudy next that wiping removes poo from one's behind?

The mind is a dopamine addict, linking something finite, like stuff, to something infinite, like pleasure, given the brains baancing act, which anyone who's ever tried to take a hot bath knowns, is a mistake.

But then again some people need to be told the obvious, so I guess... Awesome!

Now I'm all sad, I better go buy something so my girlfriend doesn't leave me.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Playing video games linked to breast-feeding, not crime

Playing video games linked to breast-feeding, not crime - Ars Technica
Playing video games linked to breast-feeding, not crime


And yet no one cares about the real reasons. The author touched on them mentioning broken homes and rotting "education". But what if I told him that the real cause was the hold he or she feels he has on his mate.

The attitude that it's ok to be jealous, that you're justified in keeping one person all to yourself like a horse in a stable, that your Children are yours to do with as you please so long as that pleasure falls within government guidelines.

Not, even he won't want to hear that if he doesn't instantly shut it out and laugh.

Enlightenment is painful people. You're all better off living like Leonard Shelby, burning the truth. Sadly the species, those children you claim to care for, the ones you pretend to own, they are the ones that will suffer.

Learning from their ignorant TV trained parents not how to deal with reality, but how to create, deploy, and live in a fantasy.

Still, great page.

Monday, February 2, 2009

94-Year-Old Atlanta Woman Arrested, Shackled To Bed

94-Year-Old Atlanta Woman Arrested, Shackled To Bed, Says Family - News Story - WSB Atlanta
ATLANTA -- Family members are outraged after they said their 94-year-old relative was arrested and shackled to a bed at Grady Hospital.

Fran Daniel said her mother, who suffers from dementia, was charged with assaulting her roommate at a metro Atlanta nursing home.

The nursing home said the 80-pound elderly woman physically attacked her roommate.

The nursing home said it asked the roommate's family if they wanted to press charges and that's when police were called.

Garreau was released on bond.

Her family is searching for another nursing home.

After working in a nursing home for a few weeks, a very good one by nursing home standards, I can say with conviction, that they should be outlawed. Warehousing our unwanted elderly until they die is not something a mature and affluent society tolerates.

They should be hospitalized, or provided with sufficient home care, the end.

And you're agree with me if you'd watched great grandmothers forced to sleep sitting up in their wheel chairs just because the home wants everyone to eat and sleep at the same time.

The home I'm speaking of is Woodland Oaks in Ashland Kentucky.

Read here for more.

Obama's Healthcare Plan: Dear Secret Service

Health Care
Establish a National Health Insurance Exchange with a range of private insurance options as well as a new public plan based on benefits available to members of Congress that will allow individuals and small businesses to buy affordable health coverage.

Dear Secret Service

Hi, my name is Brandon. I've been reading a bit about Obama and his intentions.

It seems clear to me that Obama is the first President we've had since Kennedy that cares about the people. The snippet above is just one tiny piece of evidence for this in a veritable ocean of good (both in terms of intelligence and compassion) thinking.

As the only government agency with a majority protection mandate. The others seem to be more about killing than defending. I would like to publicly offer my services.

Real heroism is taking risk, not applying risk. Shooting someone isn't heroic, taking a bullet, is.

I don't have many skills, and almost certainly none you'd find useful except one. I'm willing to seriously risk my life to keep this man alive so long as he's our president.

And given the power levels of the people he appears to be working against, and their penchant for violent reprisal in the form of terrorists and lone gunmen, that might actually come in handy someday.

So if you guys ever need me for human sand bag duty, I'm in.

If my reader's hadn't noticed. I REALLY like Obama. I think I would have liked Ron Paul more, given his desire to attack the evil at it's fiscal root, but hey the man is obviously trying, if he's not the greatest conman of all time.