Monday, February 2, 2009

Obama's Healthcare Plan: Dear Secret Service

Health Care
Establish a National Health Insurance Exchange with a range of private insurance options as well as a new public plan based on benefits available to members of Congress that will allow individuals and small businesses to buy affordable health coverage.

Dear Secret Service

Hi, my name is Brandon. I've been reading a bit about Obama and his intentions.

It seems clear to me that Obama is the first President we've had since Kennedy that cares about the people. The snippet above is just one tiny piece of evidence for this in a veritable ocean of good (both in terms of intelligence and compassion) thinking.

As the only government agency with a majority protection mandate. The others seem to be more about killing than defending. I would like to publicly offer my services.

Real heroism is taking risk, not applying risk. Shooting someone isn't heroic, taking a bullet, is.

I don't have many skills, and almost certainly none you'd find useful except one. I'm willing to seriously risk my life to keep this man alive so long as he's our president.

And given the power levels of the people he appears to be working against, and their penchant for violent reprisal in the form of terrorists and lone gunmen, that might actually come in handy someday.

So if you guys ever need me for human sand bag duty, I'm in.

If my reader's hadn't noticed. I REALLY like Obama. I think I would have liked Ron Paul more, given his desire to attack the evil at it's fiscal root, but hey the man is obviously trying, if he's not the greatest conman of all time.

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