Friday, August 8, 2008

"Grade-school Lolita." Story

Grade-school Lolita: ‘So Sexy So Soon’

The sexualized childhood and how it affects kids younger than you think

Where to begin?

You know what, fuck it. I've already explained it and you assholes are simply not interested. If you're too stupid to figure out why your daughter hates her body and ignore your consolation then perhaps you and your spawn deserve what's gotten.

Besides if I tell you monogamy is the reason you'll scoff and tell me I'm obsessed with sex, hate women, am a pedophile, need a girlfriend, or whatever else you mindless drones come up with every time I share an uncomfortable truth.

This is what happens when you make "pretty" (read: fuckable) a career.

I'm gunna go ride a bike, well more preductive then trying to educate you brain dead cretins.


  1. Why watch/read that shit then? I don't. I know loads of families who hardly ever watch TV.

    The US corporate media is pretty much run by a handful of companies. How can people who are fed on a diet of this shit suddenly realise they're being manipulated and decide to change their whole lifestyle because you've called them assholes etc?

    Child abusers are generally far more likely to "go for" children lacking in confidence, the timid, those who would be too scared to tell.

    If it's a stereotypically womanly (third gender) look that these men are going for, and they're turned on by girls - who they know are underage - just because of that they are no less guilty than the stereotypical nonce.

    Having said that, I do find it distasteful that girls (and boys) are being gender typecast from such a young age. It's a lifestyle that's the rotten fruit of corporatism which has been pollinated by religious fundamentalism. When people only know one food, what else can they eat?

    Still, a nonce is a nonce - guilty, end of.

  2. Innomen, just admit that you have sexy teenage girls on the brain.

    This is DrCyclops from SU. I just can't be arsed to sign up for this Google bullshit.
