Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Scientists Find that Low Self-Esteem & Materialism Goes Hand in Hand

Scientists Find that Low Self-Esteem & Materialism Goes Hand in Hand
Scientists Find that Low Self-Esteem & Materialism Goes Hand in Hand

Rodeo_drive_2 “Advertising has us chasing cars and clothes, working jobs we hate so we can buy shit we don't need.”

~From the movie Fight Club, based on the novel by Chuck Palahniuk

A Galaxy classic...with a recession going full force, we thought this feature might help ease the pain.

Researchers have found that low self-esteem and materialism are not just a correlation, but also a causal relationship where low self esteem increases materialism, and materialism can also create low self-esteem.

Well duh. Seriously what are we going to pay to steudy next that wiping removes poo from one's behind?

The mind is a dopamine addict, linking something finite, like stuff, to something infinite, like pleasure, given the brains baancing act, which anyone who's ever tried to take a hot bath knowns, is a mistake.

But then again some people need to be told the obvious, so I guess... Awesome!

Now I'm all sad, I better go buy something so my girlfriend doesn't leave me.

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