Racists Threaten To Abandon GOP Over Election Of First African-American Party Chairman | Hatewatch | Southern Poverty Law CenterRacists Threaten To Abandon GOP Over Election Of First African-American Party Chairman
It’s not easy being a white supremacist these days.
Already reeling from Obama’s win in November, believers in white superiority were dealt another blow last week when former Maryland Lt. Gov. Michael Steele became the first African-American to head the Republican Party.
Extremists view Steele’s election to the helm of the Republican National Committee as a betrayal by the party that many considered, in their words, “the lesser of two evils.” On blogs and online forums, they excoriated the Republican Party for supposedly pandering to minorities while abandoning what they see as its white base.
First off as a white man on his 26th year in Kentucky, who despite only knowing 2 or 3 casual racists and not a single vocal or active one, enjoys the national stigma of being a toothless hate spouting redneck simply by virtue of my location, which is ironic when you consider the entire beef with racism is about hating people without just cause, I am damned amused at any annoyance levied against the skin-color-means-a-damn crowd.
That being said, I'd like to take this opportunity to annouce my displeasure with the very real difference in the mind of the public between black pride and white pride. I am aware that writing that sentence is enough to get me accused of being a racist, being that I'm both white and from Kentucky.
My official position is that if race is to be considered a non-issue in society it needs to be treated as such.
There should be no affirmative action because it amounts to government policy creating an advantage based on race and eliminating that sort of behavior was the whole point of the civil rights movement.
There should be no hate crime law for the same reason. Though, not for the common thought crime reason given as we've already gone down that road by allowing intent a place in criminal law. We kill thought criminals. (murder vs manslaughter)
There should be no scholarships divided by race, gender, creed, etc. accepted at publicly funded or tax exempted schools.
It should not ask your gender or race on any government employment or assistance application.
In short, the only people who should ever need to factor in your race are those in the medical community.
Now before you argue think about how often a job application asks your favorite color. Not very often right? Why? Because it bloody well doesn't matter in the context of job fitness, which is exactly where we want race to be right? If that didn't sell you, nothing will.
I am neither proud nor ashamed of my "Heritage" as this includes primarily decisions made by others now dead who did not consult me, and therefor I share not in the credit, and my race, which I had no choice about.
For the record I would have chosen to be a pit viper. I like the whole idea of heat vision and eating once a week. Or perhaps an ant colony, I like the idea of each of my brain cells being encased in armor, and the whole potential for immortality.
In short, white pride needs its negative connotations for being stupid, but once you go down that road so does black pride, country pride (unless you're very much politically active), pride in your favorite sports team, tall pride, or any other pride for an accomplishment you are related to in any fashion separate from choice/will/action.
In fact pride in choice of soda is more valid than pride in heritage.
Public admission: I am a coke supremacist. :)