Saturday, November 29, 2008

Insurance, Medicine, Money and God.

Daily Express | Odd News :: Teenager lives 118 days without a heart
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Cool, but I wonder how much money persecond that cost.

TWO hearts? I had a gal bladder attack and that cost 900$ just to talk to someone, not so much as an injection. That's a hell of a cover charge.

And then there's this gem.

“I truly believe it’s a miracle,” said her mother, Twolla Anderson.

OMG Bitch! Could it be the result of a billion man hours of medical research? Could it be an organ harvesting and donation system that encompases the entire country? No of course not is was JEEBUS! Ya right, good thing you have science to keep your spawn alive, since odds are judging from their parental stock they're too dimwitted to do it on their own.

But hey then again fish do ok and they don't even have minds, but they do have productive genitals. I suppose it was only a matter of time before a mammal tried that approach.

Yeah next time pray to your imaginary friend instead of taking her to the hospital. And what about all the other kids that didn't get a heart that died this year? Tell me Twolla, what makes your brat so damn special that god himself is gunna suspend the laws of physics via a miricle to see that little D’Zhana pulls through? Why can't he be bother to hand a couple million people some of that fish and bread he's so famous for apparently making?

Beyond all that there's the cost to you and me. What cost? Insurance morons.

I am sick and goddamn tired of hospitals extorting the public and only stepping in when the people are monents from death and then charging millions to bring them back.

I want to know the underlieing cause here. Could this condition have been spotted and prevented with regualr medical care and good nutrition? We'll probabaly never know because unless you make 80k a year you don't get either, and while my reading skill may not be up to snuff I don't see anyone named "Twolla" on the fortune 500 top CEO list.

The problem here (as in may other areas of life in America) is the two party system’s compromising politics causing a blend of socialism and capitalism. The dems on the social side push for insurance coverage for everyone instead of an outright social healthcare system, and the republicans defend insurance companies and hospitals instead of attacking subsidized health insurance as social welfare in disguise.

The result is that while insurance is a socialist element in that it is dividing the cost to the individual among society. The hospitals and insurance companies both, buoyed on regulation compete but not against each other, but against themselves for higher profit margins, not for a bigger customer base, since becoming a hospital or insurance company is so regulated as to be impossible resulting in an oligarchy. All this leads to an upwards spiral where hospitals raise prices because they know that Patients have no choice, and most enough insurance anyway, so if they want to charge a middle class house wife a million for a liver, they can, and do. Then the insurance companies site this absurd cost as an operating expense, get tax write offs raise prices and eventually get government aid. The hospitals know that the government will always see to it that insurance companies at least exist, so there is no pressure to lower prices, and insurance companies know that people can't avoid being sick and the government will insure that there is no competition for medical services due to regulation, so there is no danger of a boycott of hospitals. The only recourse left to the common man is simply ignoring the absurdly high bills altogether, and refusing to pay them on principal, or exercising the dollar vote if you prefer.

But in steps the government once again to make damn sure that cost is passed on to the sick and poor, like always. By allowing the court system to be used as a police backed defacto collection agency with its liens and judgments, eventually prison, and now its tolerance for the hostage situation now developing between the credit ratings bureaus which shouldn’t exist in the first place and the credit for profit system which is equally bloated and corrupt, so they can now prevent you from finding a home or a job if you don't pay up.

What does the Gov get out of all this? Hard working drones unable to protest long hours and rights infringement because none of us can pay for insurance directly, we have to slave away for some corporation, and that means giving up a third of your money off the top to the government.

Your choices? Work and Pay or Die.

It's a protection racket plain and simple. I've said it before and I'll say it again.

Government is mafia given legitimacy by duration.

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