Friday, August 1, 2008

Andrea Haskins: Hero or Megabitch?

So a 15 year old tells a 17 year old if you come near my house today I'm going to shoot you. The 17 year old piles in the car grabs two friends and goes to the dollar general across the street from said house.

Given the data I have so far, I'm going with hero.

The 17 year old for her quick wit gets capped in the leg, with a .22. A flesh wound so minor that she's expected to be out of the hospital sooner than it took for Angelina Jolie to have her twins by C section.

I don't see a problem here, in fact I'm happy. I see a bully getting what was due, and even if that's not the case, it could have been with sufficient credibility that less kids will be beaten up today which will make them nicer adults tomorrow.

In my state, response with deadly (or potentially deadly) force is authorized if you feel you’re endangered. Warning someone to not approach on threat of said force, and having that person show up, with backup, in my mind constitutes more than enough of a threat to respond in this way.

Ironically her action defends her assertion (implied by said action), after all she knew she had the stones to fire, perhaps in her mind it was shoot or be shot. Or as I’ve personally encountered brandish or be beaten to death.

Nothing takes the wind out of an abusive alpha thug asshole on a power trip like seeing a gun.

Besides, it was a rifle, and she put it in her leg, that seems like an attempt at non-lethal force. I can put a hole in a dime at 80 yards with my .22 and its an iron site bolt action job from the 40s.

The moral of this story is don’t be an abusive dickhead that tries to win with intimidation, you might get your legs blown off. If you're prepared to fight be prepared to kill or die, or find a more adult solution to your grievance.

"I do have the gutz to shoot you ill show you if you come to my (expletive) house right now...right now I will shoot your (expletive)."

According to nbc 15.

Besides, the girl was older. I can’t help but see a bully that got what was coming.

I mean seriously, what 17 year old grabs two friends to go beat up a 15 year old?

I see this as a sign of society getting better, not worse. If more people were willing to stand up to those that scare them, and do what needs to be done when the chips are down, maybe we wouldn’t have bullies roaming in packs in the first place.

Trespassing cases should provide more than enough legal precedent here to exonerate the girl.

Why do people care you ask?

Because she's property (aka a child) and has a vagina. If's either are cute, this will explode into a sitcom and a book deal.

She’s getting spotlight because she fought back. Something children simply aren’t supposed to do according to our insane society, especially girls.

I mean just look at this gem uttered by the remarkably ignorant and fascist Boscobel Police Chief Jim Reynolds...

"This is because of mobility of young people and communications they have available to them."

That's right. Communications and mobility caused this. So, lock up your pets and make sure you muzzle them.

And for the record here is my reply to a bunch of whining crap on another page about this little spike of cultural maturity.

Brandon M. Sergent
Aug 1, 2008 at 7:50 pm

1.“Giving her a ride.” “Best friend.”

So what? Neither of these things prohibits them from jumping in on a beating.


And? Newsflash: The majority of homicides are committed by friends and family.

3.“It’s NEVER okay to shoot someone. “

Obviously you’ve never been scared for your life, good for you, now grow some perspective.

4.Dollar General.

So she’s told if she approaches the house today she’s getting a bullet so she decides to go shopping at the nearest store? I call Bravo Sierra, big time.

5.“They have been fighting face to face for months. “

Which only lends credence to a legitimate fear, and drives a stake in the dollar general innocent victim crap.

6.“Look at how much of a spotlight this girl is getting for shooting someone. “

She’s getting spotlight because she fought back. Something children simply aren’t supposed to do according to our insane society, especially girls.

I’m tired of fights being trivialized. Rest assured the next credible physical threat I receive will be met with deadly force, as is my right bloody right as a human, and hers as well. This girl probably saved lives. I promise you at least one person will think twice about fighting someone else now, given the level of publicity this is getting, and that could have prevented a death.

I know how quickly a fight can go wrong, not to mention the fact that they are HORRID even if you win. We need zero tolerance for assault initiation of any kind in this country, but shock and surprise a whole culture beaten by its own parents and daily hammered with nanny Company external discipline doesn’t see the point.

Andrea, all I have to say is, good for you honey.

7 points for ball, but - 5 for forethought. Next time use a stun gun followed by a brick, it'll fuck up your life less. But hopefully your sacrifice won't be wasted. I really hope some bully somewhere is having second thoughts about beating on the little guy because of you.

**Some content reposted from my comments elsewhere.


  1. Brandon, you are the most clouded person I've met. Use your thoughts for something better, write a book dear, get off the internet. I'm here sticking up for a friend, something you don't have I'm sure. You sit here and say it was good for Andrea to shoot Amanda, high five for her, pretty much. Well I know both of them personally, Andrea, Amanda, and I used to hang out everyday last summer, and Amanda is a still a good friend. But the entire time I was friends with the both of them, Andrea Haskins would never say she was scared of Amanda. She wanted attention, she also posted countless bulletins on myspace about Amanda she sat there and brought it upon herself. The fight was a family fight, that Andrea couldn't handle, the two girls brought with Amanda weren't to fight her, and Andrea didn't have to go over to the store or bring a gun. Why the hell are you so worried about people in WI when your in Kentucky? You obviously have nothing better to do with your time, and were probably bullied as a child, so that is how you look at it. I look at it as Andrea is a crazy little girl who needed help and wanted a lot of attention. which she got.

  2. First of all thank you for replying. Second of all you need to understand that some of us have a greater ethical depth than single event thinking.

    Frankly my interest isn't in the individuals but in the social conventions presented and the social systems and memes involved in the creation, and support or atrophy of said conventions.

    You make a few implications and direct assertions that I would like to speak about.

    One, you assert that I have “nothing better to do”. I rebut that this is an absurd statement. ALL action could be classified as "nothing better to do". Think about it. Beyond the irony of the fact that as you made that statement you were yourself typing on the Internet, to someone of apparent low worth from Kentucky, is the fact that when a person does anything it is the best action they can think of within the constraints of their present situation.

    Or put another way even a person being mugged would rather being doing something better. Imagining a better course of action is not all there is to it.

    This in my mind betrays an absolutist Horatio Alger style of thinking where its all personal responsibility and no external influence. Carry that to its logical conclusion to see how absurd it is. Did the woman in Somalia watching her children starve to death choose that life? No. We are just as helpless as she, just a lot more lucky.

    Onward. You also suggested I have no friends. I rebut that you probably have no *real* friends. I have a great number of acquaintances, and few friends yes, but the friends I have are true friends. They are as much a part of me as an average family member, and some are as close to me as portions of my own mind. Can you really say the same? How many of your friends would remain if you changed every social dichotomy about yourself? (sex change, political view, fiscal situation, level of social interest, criminal status, etc, 100% reversal) We both know the answer.

    The point is not numbers, the point is respect and happiness. I am respected, I make people happy, I respect, I am made happy, I am not alone. What else is there really?

    I'm sticking up for a friend as well. Society, humanity itself, is my friend. It's a little sick and crazy just now but it's young and I have faith in it. A vital part of that friend is the ability of its immune system. Violence is an infection, and to continue that metaphor, how each cell responds to that infection can mean the difference between cancer and vitality. Bullies, fighting, and antler bashing actions generally are far closer to cancer than they are vitality.

    It's quit simple really. No words justify assault. There is nothing I can say to you that makes it ok for you to hit me. I'm not surprised that you miss this being a female raised in a country where most chidlren get hit and raised in a religion that assures compliance through bribery and fear. Under those conditions its as impossible for you to spontaneously understand as it is for me to spontaneously speak Japanese.

    Words are merely thoughts shared. And no thought waives your right to protection from physical assault. Only actions can do that.

    Now I'll grant in many ways writing is an action, thus I grant the possibility that maybe a situation exists where what you write can constitute an action as dangerous as potentially lethal assault, and thus justify a physical response, but in my opinion a situation like that is so unimaginably rare as to be discounted from reality as firmly as the chance of winning the lottery and being struck by lightning every day for a whole year.

    “The fight was a family fight, that Andrea couldn't handle, the two girls brought with Amanda weren't to fight her, and Andrea didn't have to go over to the store or bring a gun. “

    You're selectively lifting whole events out of context. As if everything was hunky dory and then Andrea decided go on a shooting spree for kicks. But then you try to say that Andrea earned her drama from myspace postings in the past.

    Which is it? Does the past have a bearing or not? You can't pick and choose. Events lead to other events, the end. If the past doesn't exist then ok, Andrea is the bad guy, she crossed the street at random and shot someone in the leg, but we know that's not the case, you said yourself Andrea “brought it on herself.” Brought what exactly? You say the girls weren't there to fight (or watch a fight), Bravo Sierra I say. I see antler bashing.

    Amanda is older, probably bigger, has two friends, and runs her mouth over myspace, Andrea responds and says if you come near my house I'll going to shoot you and I'm not kidding.

    So what does the genius do? You say this is a family fight and that Andrea is disturbed. Should Amanda have not seen this coming?

    She grabs two friends and says hey lets go shop for sponges at the local dollar store across the street from my crazy relative who just threatened to shoot me!

    Please. No one is that stupid. (I hope)

    The reality is, she bet heavy and called what she thought was a bluff after bringing two cronies to watch the show and possibly help out, and ended up losing her shirt.

    Sure I was bullied as a child, how does that change the correctness or incorrectness of my stated position? It doesn't. That's called the argumentum ad hominem, or "argument to the man". I could be a totally raving lunatic but that doesn't change the ontological correctness or incorrectness of any given point.

    I wish they taught logic and critical thinking in what passes for school these days.

    How about you defend yourself, rather than bad mouthing me personally?

    P.S. If I walked up and slugged you over this post, would I be justified? We both know the answer.

    The fact is, if you think it through and are consistent about the application of your ethics, you agree with me.

    Thank you for your time, poster and readers alike.

  3. Brandon is it? Hi, I am one of Drea's good friends. In fact, I was living with Drea at the time everything went down. I was not there that night. Me and my daughter were with my boyfriend. I just want to thank you for backing her up. Even though, you did not know her or anything. I did not understand everything you wrote, but what I could understand made total sense to me. So, thank you.

    And you Haleigh...Can kiss my white fuking ass. You knew Drea in the past that does not mean you know her now. People change over time. About Amanda, that cunt ain't worth shit. She's just a fuking smart mouth bitch. She deserved what she got out of the whole thing. She was dumb enough to fuking go over there. Drea reached her limit. Amanda, just like to cause drama. She makes it. Drea sat idly by while some dumb bitch tortured to till she snapped. So, you know what FUCK YOU! I hope the same fuking thing happens to you.

  4. Anon: Yes, it is Brandon. And you're most welcome. I see from the remainder of your post that you are as angry as I am.

    May I suggest you find the focus of your anger and ask yourself why you are angry at them/it. Keep asking why, keep going deeper.

    This will usually lead you to core social problems, and being aware of them will give you great survival advantage in every sense of the word.

    If you have specific questions on any part of what I've said anywhere, feel free to ask, I Will answer.

  5. Anonymous huh? Cool, well just so you know I'm not about drama, I'm sticking up for what I believe. And I believe Andrea got what she deserved. Do you think anyone will look at her the same? Definatly not her old friends. Don't tell me I knew the "old" Drea because Drea has never changed. If you really knew her you wouldn't sit here and say she was some kind of angel. This girl has more problems then a math book seriously. She always has and she LOVED being the center of attention. So if you really knew drea you wouldn't sit here and tell me she isn't exactly that! Oh and by the way thanks for the bullet threat or wish whatever...Sounds like it runs in the family....crazyyyy!

  6. Anonymous

    well haligh or how ever you spell your fuking name.

    Drea may be the same in some factors, but a person can only handle so much, and as for amanda she still a dum lil cunt trying to get people in trouble to this day.
    Drea is in fact, making something of herself, she went to school in jail, and is continuing out here.
    Wha tis amanda doing being the same lil cunt, causing problems that arent her deal? i assume so.
    And who the fuk dont have problems in their head? huh answer that bitch!

    oih an your fukin idiotic for thinkin drea started putting shit on myspace cuz it was amanda that started the shit! trust me i know that for a fact. since how i showed drea wat was on there posted by amanda! since those two weren't frineds on myspace, but i was sfriends with both so I saw it all! SO FUK YOU GET YOUR STORY RITE!

    oh yea one last thing, i assume this is the dum cunt haligh stocks huh!
