Sunday, August 10, 2008


IMO It's a bug crawling on the dome of the camera. the "shadow" is just it partly blocking the light reflected from the floor. As an example put your finger up to your eye till its out of focus, no look at a light source, move your finger to obscure the light source slowly, you'll notice that its not a clean line between covered and uncovered, the light gets dimmer as more and more of the photos get absorbed by your finger.

You can do this to see "through" a pencil or a straightened paper clip.

For more information about how this works look up the double slit experiment, and the difference between coherent and incoherent light.

Friday, August 8, 2008

Shooting debate, continued.

From here...

Well thank you.

I'm glad :)

Them being armed to me is irrelevant. Anything can be a weapon.

As to your imagination of what will piss off a parent, you need to understand that you are assuming the parent is rational. Many aren't. Some would argue that rationality is nearly dead in our culture except with regard to finance, and even thats only the short term.

You also assume the parents don't do anything illegal. Maybe they smoke a joint from time to time (which I condone, and for the record no I don't do drugs, I just know that the drug war kills more people than drugs ever did because I've read a book or two.)

Locking yourself in is not a good idea. Why am I the only one that understands the mechanics of being bullied? A door will not save you, they'll just wait and catch you later and now that you've hidden and shown them your fear it will be 1000 times worse. The way to deal with a bully is confront them, or avoid them entirely which is not possible since parents force their kids to go to the state mind wipe camp.

And again, of course there were tons of different solutions for that very moment, that we can think of given our age wisdom distance and safety. But what if we were scared out of our wits and had 5 minutes?

Then there is the simple matter of satisfaction. Having saved my own ass with a bb gun as a child (they didn't know it was a bb gun), vs 3 opponents coincidentally, I know what good it does all involved.

1.The bully stopped being a bully, because suddenly in his mind anyone could be dangerous, this kept him backed off till he simply out grew being a dickhead, and that could have saved someone's life. I live in the state that invented school shooting.
2.I knew that being small did not mean I was powerless. I learned a whole new system of thought which included value beyond might. And thats another important lesson many of us still haven't learned. Our culture demands that men constantly fight each other like bucks in heat over women and power, I think if more bullies caught a non fatal bullet that crap and the associated social horrors might trim down just a tad.

So in closing, I still think she did damn well considering. Is it the best set of decisions in the world? Nope, but then its doesn't have to be. After all, no one died.

“Look at it this way, in 100 years, who's gunna care?”

"Grade-school Lolita." Story

Grade-school Lolita: ‘So Sexy So Soon’

The sexualized childhood and how it affects kids younger than you think

Where to begin?

You know what, fuck it. I've already explained it and you assholes are simply not interested. If you're too stupid to figure out why your daughter hates her body and ignore your consolation then perhaps you and your spawn deserve what's gotten.

Besides if I tell you monogamy is the reason you'll scoff and tell me I'm obsessed with sex, hate women, am a pedophile, need a girlfriend, or whatever else you mindless drones come up with every time I share an uncomfortable truth.

This is what happens when you make "pretty" (read: fuckable) a career.

I'm gunna go ride a bike, well more preductive then trying to educate you brain dead cretins.

Friday, August 1, 2008

Andrea Haskins: Hero or Megabitch?

So a 15 year old tells a 17 year old if you come near my house today I'm going to shoot you. The 17 year old piles in the car grabs two friends and goes to the dollar general across the street from said house.

Given the data I have so far, I'm going with hero.

The 17 year old for her quick wit gets capped in the leg, with a .22. A flesh wound so minor that she's expected to be out of the hospital sooner than it took for Angelina Jolie to have her twins by C section.

I don't see a problem here, in fact I'm happy. I see a bully getting what was due, and even if that's not the case, it could have been with sufficient credibility that less kids will be beaten up today which will make them nicer adults tomorrow.

In my state, response with deadly (or potentially deadly) force is authorized if you feel you’re endangered. Warning someone to not approach on threat of said force, and having that person show up, with backup, in my mind constitutes more than enough of a threat to respond in this way.

Ironically her action defends her assertion (implied by said action), after all she knew she had the stones to fire, perhaps in her mind it was shoot or be shot. Or as I’ve personally encountered brandish or be beaten to death.

Nothing takes the wind out of an abusive alpha thug asshole on a power trip like seeing a gun.

Besides, it was a rifle, and she put it in her leg, that seems like an attempt at non-lethal force. I can put a hole in a dime at 80 yards with my .22 and its an iron site bolt action job from the 40s.

The moral of this story is don’t be an abusive dickhead that tries to win with intimidation, you might get your legs blown off. If you're prepared to fight be prepared to kill or die, or find a more adult solution to your grievance.

"I do have the gutz to shoot you ill show you if you come to my (expletive) house right now...right now I will shoot your (expletive)."

According to nbc 15.

Besides, the girl was older. I can’t help but see a bully that got what was coming.

I mean seriously, what 17 year old grabs two friends to go beat up a 15 year old?

I see this as a sign of society getting better, not worse. If more people were willing to stand up to those that scare them, and do what needs to be done when the chips are down, maybe we wouldn’t have bullies roaming in packs in the first place.

Trespassing cases should provide more than enough legal precedent here to exonerate the girl.

Why do people care you ask?

Because she's property (aka a child) and has a vagina. If's either are cute, this will explode into a sitcom and a book deal.

She’s getting spotlight because she fought back. Something children simply aren’t supposed to do according to our insane society, especially girls.

I mean just look at this gem uttered by the remarkably ignorant and fascist Boscobel Police Chief Jim Reynolds...

"This is because of mobility of young people and communications they have available to them."

That's right. Communications and mobility caused this. So, lock up your pets and make sure you muzzle them.

And for the record here is my reply to a bunch of whining crap on another page about this little spike of cultural maturity.

Brandon M. Sergent
Aug 1, 2008 at 7:50 pm

1.“Giving her a ride.” “Best friend.”

So what? Neither of these things prohibits them from jumping in on a beating.


And? Newsflash: The majority of homicides are committed by friends and family.

3.“It’s NEVER okay to shoot someone. “

Obviously you’ve never been scared for your life, good for you, now grow some perspective.

4.Dollar General.

So she’s told if she approaches the house today she’s getting a bullet so she decides to go shopping at the nearest store? I call Bravo Sierra, big time.

5.“They have been fighting face to face for months. “

Which only lends credence to a legitimate fear, and drives a stake in the dollar general innocent victim crap.

6.“Look at how much of a spotlight this girl is getting for shooting someone. “

She’s getting spotlight because she fought back. Something children simply aren’t supposed to do according to our insane society, especially girls.

I’m tired of fights being trivialized. Rest assured the next credible physical threat I receive will be met with deadly force, as is my right bloody right as a human, and hers as well. This girl probably saved lives. I promise you at least one person will think twice about fighting someone else now, given the level of publicity this is getting, and that could have prevented a death.

I know how quickly a fight can go wrong, not to mention the fact that they are HORRID even if you win. We need zero tolerance for assault initiation of any kind in this country, but shock and surprise a whole culture beaten by its own parents and daily hammered with nanny Company external discipline doesn’t see the point.

Andrea, all I have to say is, good for you honey.

7 points for ball, but - 5 for forethought. Next time use a stun gun followed by a brick, it'll fuck up your life less. But hopefully your sacrifice won't be wasted. I really hope some bully somewhere is having second thoughts about beating on the little guy because of you.

**Some content reposted from my comments elsewhere.