Monday, December 29, 2008

Glasses for the Masses


British inventor Josh Silver, a former professor of physics at Oxford University, has come up with a game-changer of a product design with his water-lensed glasses.

Phenomenal. I'd like a pair of diagnostic purposes. Like say, a device where you do this and it tells you what your prescription is. Like a thermometer for your eyes. Course, this will put a lot of over paid jackasses out of work. So don't expect it to fly anytime soon in the states. We still have union to retard our progress.

Fear: Hobbyists Will Create New Life Forms

Amateur biologists are goofing around with genetics in garage-based labs that some fear could unleash new and dangerous life forms.

Oh boy, here we go. Let the intellectual witchhunt begin.

The Company smells it's Doom.

Custom life forms will spell the end of centralized government as we know it.

Take the drug war for example. What happens when someone creates a bug that turns sewage into heroin?

I foresee a short time period where test tubes become illegal as the government uses the only weapon is really has to stave off its own obsolescence. Fear.

Saturday, December 27, 2008

This Machine Might Save the World

Two desktop-printer engineers quit their jobs to search for the ultimate source of endless energy: nuclear fusion.

"Somebody described it as a thermonuclear diesel engine," Laberge says

Ha! Awesome.

That's exactly what it is.


There is tremendous resistance from the lab coat crowd to any sort of fusion research thanks to the collective ego blow dealt by the Fleischmann-Pons announcement and constantly having to explain how fusion won't blow up the world or the like. Even this article is falling all over itself to express how little faith it has in the concept.

This comes across as needlessly stuffed shirt. There is a difference between healthy skepticism and prejudice. I see more of the latter frankly in both this article and academia generally.

The scientific community has a long and checked history of elitism. Which is to be expected given the type of time investment required by many scientific pursuits, but much of it is unneeded.

Academia likes to present itself as totally objective yet they argue constantly, and about more than competing theory. Consensus is increasingly hard to come by, and so long as this condition persists, the money will flow in. I don't see this as coincidence.

Also, academia is heavily dependent on government funding, which is in turn heavily dependent on stability of economic conditions. To think that academia is or even can be immune to this pressure is naive. I predict real fusion will be produced in just such a private, and low tech setting, if its founders don't mysteriously and quietly die prior to completion.

Call that paranoia if you will, but ask yourself, what do you think a person is capable of if they stand to lose a billion dollars?

Spend to love

For stores, a very un-merry holiday

Sales during the crucial year-end shopping season evaporated as economic woes trumped gift-buying enthusiasm among consumers.

NEW YORK ( -- The 2008 holiday sales season is one of the worst for retailers in decades, as consumers' concerns about the economy and job losses crushed the typical year-end shopping exuberance.

Good. I'm tired of watching the system squeeze every last dime out of people based on the lie that if you don't spend you don't love. I'll bet this year families got closer than ever on the whole as they were forced to "explain" why they couldn't afford to say what they wanted to say with gifts.

I'll bet hugs and kisses and tearful letters and homemade expressions of affection abounded this year. And we're the better for it.

I'm sure the top one percent still made their dollar and traded cars among themselves, but if we finally learn that we don't have to spend to love, maybe they'll join us in our little boat before too long.

Is Texas Changing Its Mind About the Death Penalty?

San Quentin Prison execution chamber.

Ten men and one woman were sentenced to death in Texas in 2008, according to the Texas Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty. It was the lowest annual figure since the 1976 reinstatement of the death penalty.
"The need for revenge, for vengeance is being curbed, the appetite is no longer there," contends Robert Hirschorn

We're finally growing up it seems.

Finally, beginning to realize what works and what doesn't.

The inquisition should have taught us that fear of punishment no matter how unimaginably brutal, is not a deterrent to the committed, because no one ever plans to be caught, and worse yet, some simply do not care.

History is full of people, for example, who burned themselves alive to prove a point. You simply cannot attack devotion like that with force or fear. More sophistication is needed. And even we young Americans, not even 300 years old, are beginning to realize that fact.

And I for one am deeply proud, considering how long it took other countries to pick up on it.

In time we will stop killing individually and socially, and then when we wake up from this nightmare, let us hope that our capacity for forgiveness is sufficient to allow us to forgive ourselves.

Thursday, December 25, 2008

8 year old girl cannot legally divorce her 58 year old husband…

Saudi court tells girl aged EIGHT she cannot divorce husband who is 50 years her senior

A Saudi court has rejected a plea to divorce an eight-year-old girl married off by her father to a man who is 58, saying the case should wait until the girl reaches puberty.

The divorce plea was filed in August by the girl's divorced mother with a court at Unayzah, 135 miles north of Riyadh just after the marriage contract was signed by the father and the groom.

Lawyer Abdullar Jtili said:"The judge has dismissed the plea, filed by the mother, because she does not have the right to file such a case, and ordered that the plea should be filed by the girl herself when she reaches puberty."

As once can imagine, this has a lot of people upset. But in my opinion that anger is somewhat misplaced and not entirely selfless.

And so I commented on another blog...

Oh please. We put 8 year olds in halter tops, and hot pants that say “juicy” across the seat, and see to it they are preggers or at least deflowered by 15.

I love how judgmental of other cultures we are. We have the highest teen pregnancy rate in the world, the highest prison population of the industrialized world, and we’re hip deep in a pedophile witch hunt.

We don’t care in this country if 8 year old boys are molested by the elderly clergy en mass, but one little foreign girl MIGHT get molested and we lose our minds.

The bottom line is a lot of men read that and got jealous because they want a 16 year old at 40, and this is just a bit much even for them. The Saudi depravity reflects their depravity hence the rage.

If you’re really so pissed, how about we bomb them? Oh wait they can fight back. And they sell us our oil.

In short, put up or shut up.

To which was replied...


@Brandon M. Sergent -

1.) I don’t put 8 year olds in halter tops and hotpants, nor do I see to it that they’re statutory raped. If you do stuff like that, please stop. Or at least stop projecting it upon others.

2.) I’m assuming you live in sub-Saharan Africa when you say “we”, because they’ve got the highest rate of teen pregnancy in the world. The United States has the highest population percentage in prison; what does that have to do with any aspect of this article? Also, I can’t tell if you’re outraged that there’s a “pedophile witch-hunt” going on.

3.) I care if little boys are being molested by clergy. I’m also allowed to care if “one little foriegn girl” might be molested thru conventions of regional religious doctrine. Once again, plz stop projecting.

4.) Most disturbing projection yet. Is that the bottom line? You really don’t think people can earnestly get upset over tacit governmental approval of (at best) systemic undermining of women’s rights or (at worst) statutory rape? That this is clearly the sole fault of the envy of depraved Western mid-life-crisisers?

5.) What a preposterous false dilemma. And even more projection. “If you do not approve of someone’s actions, destroy them UTTERLY or you are a hyprocrite!” Is that how the world works for you? Utter subservience to your will, or destruction? No other options? Absolutely everything in life is more complicated than “A; if not A, B.”

You’re a psychopath. Not in the flippant, disparaging term; the clinical term.

My complete reply is as follows...


"I don’t put 8 year olds in halter tops and hotpants."

I'm pleased that you personally do not engage in this behavior but a quick trip to your local mall or walmart will show that others do. If you do not see this behavior personally in your area, well good for you. In that case I'd suggest you go clothing shopping for an 8 year old girl. It's an eye opening experience for those that have not.

See the rest of my reply at

I will not reply in full here, I doubt the post's author wants a flame war.

"when you say “we”"

I meant, industrialized world, my apologies. Obviously crushed third world nations will have a higher TPR.

"what does that have to do with any aspect of this article?"

I was suggesting that we have little right to be judgmental until we get our own house in order.

"Also, I can’t tell if you’re outraged..."

Yes I am. Pedophilia is a problem we exacerbate for profit. It's a public health issue, not a legal one. Just like the drug war.

"I care if little boys are being molested by clergy."

Good for you. So do I. But I must remind you that you are not the whole of the United States. I'm speaking of the American populace generally. As far as the media goes, attacking the church and its battalion of molesters was a passing fad, at best.

"You really don’t think..."

Of course they can. I'm commenting on why. Things like what the article are speaking of happen all the time, yet this is supposed to be news.

In the face of female circumcision, honor killings, torture, and human right's violations generally in these countries, which magically aren't news anymore, if they ever were, I have to ask, why?

I have a theory...

Because we are a culture Obsessed with underage sex, that's why. If she had been beaten to death with a rock, or had her genitals stitched shut, or both, we'd not be having this conversation, because it would not have been a story.

But because some guy gets to potentially raise her to be a little sex slave, and screw her the instant he feels like it, we're all frothing at the mouth. Color me cynical, but I can't help but think a good chunk of that rage is jealousy.

And no, obviously some are angry for what I would call ethical reasons, such as myself, and perhaps even you. But even those people need to be reminded that this is not an honest reporting with the aim of solving the problem. News is a business. And sex sells. If this really was news to the people merely because its an extreme ethical violation, and not a pedo fantasy come to life, Amnesty International would get more hits than We control what gets covered. If the demand were there for real news, we'd have it. We don't, so there isn't.

"No other options?"

Setting aside the fact of a probable Tom Clancy style reaction if the 8 year old girl in question was a doe eyed white American, I'll say sure, there are other options. But considering the froth spitting hatred, and armchair torture-expert style, reaction to domestic pedophiles, I'd say bombing the Saudis into radioactive glass seems a rational response by comparison.

My personal suggestion would be an immediate and complete international boycott of all Saudi imports and services spearheaded by the United States domestic economic consequences be damned. I personally choose to be poor and sleep at night, rather than be rich and worry about my soul.

But you and I both know that's not going to happen. America hasn't been something to be proud of in decades, if ever. In my opinion America is one of those looks good on paper not so much in execution kind of things, but I digress.

I believe they could skin a dozen infants in Saudi Arabia and broadcast it live on Al Jazeera and we'd do nothing, we'd demand some sort of gesture, but ultimately we'd forget, and we'd damn sure not let it interfere with out football watching. My suggestion of bombing was primarily designed to make people think "well why don't we bomb them?" in the face of such strong "justification." Hopefully they'd realize, it's because they have our economy grabbing its ankles.

My core point is this; obviously we don't Really care. If we did we'd be doing something about it other than waxing self-righteous on a blog. Hell, look at 911, 15 of the 19 hijackers were Saudi nationals, and our government invades Iraq, and we let them? Come on.

We can't look up from our collective genitals long enough to care, hence our interest in this case.

Your reaction is case in point. You feel personally insulted by my position, which says more about you than me. Ironic, considering your repeated claims of projection on my part. The point is I don't care about you personally, I only care about the arguments you present, and the ideologies you represent. you on the other hand have no idea what you hate, and so for the moment, it's me.

"You’re a psychopath."

Perhaps. That's not for me to judge is it. Pick a point of my logic, a point you feel is the result of mental defect. I'll show you my thinking.

If the world did judge me, by merely stating it to be the case without evidence, as you have, my response would be along the lines of the following.

"See, I'm not a monster, I'm just ahead of the curve." - The Joker


Friday, December 19, 2008

H.R. 6257: Assault Weapons Ban Reauthorization Act of 2008

H.R. 6257: Assault Weapons Ban Reauthorization Act of 2008

Rep. Mark Kirk [R-IL]

Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen [R-FL]
Rep. Michael Ferguson [R-NJ]
Rep. Christopher Shays [R-CT]
Rep. Michael Castle [R-DE]

What's wrong with this picture?

Republicans sponsoring a draconian gun bill?

Crazy like a fox.

Consider. An historic gun ruling from the SCOTUS on Thursday 26 June 2008 virtually assures that serious challenges to the 2nd amendment are going to be difficult. After all how can a hand gun not be considered an assault weapon since it's designed to kill people, reasoning not withstanding.

Consider. People never pay attention to who sponsors bills.

Consider. The republicans are on the way out. This has been obvious since W got re-elected to anyone with political acumen.

Consider. An extremely common justification given by semi-rational republicans for voting for a fossil and a dimwit. "Obama gonna take my gun!"

Consider. Most voters are one issue voters by necessity given the structure of representative democracy in general. Gun rights are right up there with abortion in this respect.

Consider. Politics doesn't exactly reward the honest.

Consider. Many pro-gun anti-republican types, like myself voted Obama secure in the knowledge that the democrats are not stupid enough to take on an issue as thorny and contentious as gun rights when there is obviously so much more pressing and time critical business. Because they know they'd lose precious time.

My conclusion.

The republicans introduced a nightmarish gun bill they would never actually stand for as a strategic maneuver. The goal being to make the simple associate Obama with draconian gun control so that right wing pundits all over the country can score a huge "see I told you so" and gum up the works enough that the problems stemming from the last 8 years of psychotic republican rule can be blamed on Obama, thus assuring a right wing victory in 2012 as chief among a whole slew of tactical gains.

The best way to defeat this madness would be to alert top democrats, or Obama himself, to this ploy.

Self interest is the greatest motivator.