Monday, September 29, 2008

System Failure

Lawmakers quickly point fingers after bailout fails -
"Our strategy is to continue to address this economic situation head on. We'll be working to develop a strategy," Bush said.

I'll give you a strategy, rebirth the gold standard and abandon fractional reserve.

Or if you want a real solution, It's called Social Credit.

Since most of you are painfully lazy I'll quote wiki.

Assuming the only safe place for power is in many hands, Social Credit is a distributive philosophy, and its policy is to disperse power to individuals.

“Systems were made for men, and not men for systems, and the interest of man which is self-development, is above all systems, whether theological, political or economic.” - Hugh Douglas

Past all that, We've been doomed for a long time.

Read about What (Really) Happened in 1995.

And again, for the painfully lazy I'll give another taste.

As this article shows, when working, all the Fed does is mimic non-fiat based monetary system, such as the gold standard. When the current fiat money regime is not working, it is doing everything but that. With a nearly infinite number of ways to screw up, and subject to the short-term interests of Wall Street and politicians, but only one way to succeed -- it imitate the gold standard -- suggests to me the Fed is not only not helpful to the economy, but harmful.
You've been warned for years, and you let morons run the country, raise your children, train your doctors, and sleep in your bed.

Tunnel vision FTW.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

The World of Duh News: Poor people can't afford clean running cars.

Global warming pollution increases 3 percent - Yahoo! News
Global warming pollution increases 3 percent

By SETH BORENSTEIN, AP Science Writer Thu Sep 25, 4:54 PM ET

WASHINGTON - The world pumped up its pollution of the chief man-made global warming gas last year, setting a course that could push beyond leading scientists' projected worst-case scenario, international researchers said Thursday.

The new numbers, called "scary" by some, were a surprise because scientists thought an economic downturn would slow energy use. Instead, carbon dioxide output jumped 3 percent from 2006 to 2007.

H'duh, that's because whenever the economy gets bad, poor people have to work harder so rich people can continue to make money at the same rate while doing nothing of substance. And since virtually everything about our society has two things in commn, one it makes pollution and two its geared towards making sure rich people make money. That means among many other things, longer commutes in shittier cars.

Thus more pollution.

We really should just appoint an emperor, it would be more honest and at least we're have one person to appeal to for redress of grievances. This democratic bullshit is just not working, half of us don't vote because we know rich people born into it end up our "elected" leaders anyway.

When was the last time a poor guy was president?

I'm serious. The world tolerates China's bullshit, and us bombing people at random, and Saudi kings and princes. Why not an American Empire? The government itself is effectively a monarch anyway. Why not let it have the advantages of speed? Lets build palaces and harems and shit, make being president a gig worth dieing for. And lets not forget what happens to kings and emperors when they screw up as royally as some of our presidents have.

Friday, September 26, 2008

And why not?

9 siblings among 11 kids abandoned under Neb. law - Yahoo! News
9 siblings among 11 kids abandoned under Neb. law

By TIMBERLY ROSS, Associated Press Writer Thu Sep 25, 5:44 PM ET

OMAHA, Neb. - Nine siblings are among 11 children as old as 17 who were left at Omaha hospitals Wednesday under Nebraska's unique and new safe haven law, which allows caregivers to abandon babies and teenagers alike at hospitals without fear of prosecution.

And why not?

If the state is going to make it clear that teen pregnancy is desired, which it has in a hundred ways from allowing abstinence only education, to failing to fund the development of male birth control, there are going to be unwanted children.

If it then is going to make it clear that parenting is not a choice, which it has by demanding school attendance no matter how under funded, inadequate, or unsafe.

If the state wants us to produce dim witted worker drones, which it does by making it clear that the only acceptable way to raise your child is in fear and domination, through control, and knowing that this method invariably fails.

In short if the state owns us and our children, which clearly it think it does, then they should be willing to take "children" of all ages.

The government is acting like an indecisive hypocrite, taken to an animal shelter wanting to help a kitten but finds only adult cats, and goes home.

Sure everyone wants to help a little innocent doe eyed baby, who through not talking lets you imagine its just like you only smaller. But when it comes time to help someone who you can tell by looking thinks you're full of it, suddenly its about beating them and blaming others so you can go home, am I right?

They talk a big game about responsibility, but how unfair is that from the childrens' perspective? "You mean I'm old enough to be homeless because my psycho fundamentalist mother kicked me out, but I'm not old enough to vote?"

The only time we treat children like adults in this country is when we put them in prison. And given the drug dogs, metal detectors, random searches, and laughably ineffectual uppity "rehabilitation" programs run generally by mindless fundamentalists of one stripe or another, school is getting damn close.

No. Its time for the government to put up or shut up. Either children are property, mindless slaves in need of training, or they are full human citizens with rights, privileges, and legal protection under the law the same as you and I.

This is just like all the screaming pro-lifers talking about abortion being an unneeded abomination in the face of adoption, but wouldn't go near an adoption center themselves to pick up and raise one of these 15 year old unwanted pregnancies if you put a shotgun in their mouth.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Iran, Israel, Nuclear weapons, and Gun Law.

Ahmadinejad: 'American empire' nearing its end -
The Anti-Defamation League released a statement saying the Iranian leader showed he "is deeply infected with anti-Semitism" and displayed "the true threat the Iranian regime poses to Israel, the United States and the West."

I for one am tired of being dragged into this millennia old fight between the Jews and the Palestinians. I don't see this man as a threat to "the west" any more than any other fundamentalist, and we consistently elect those to run our country so whats the big deal?

I see a man tired of being told he can't have guns by people with guns. And as much as a terrorist as this makes me I've seen in photographic evidence just what the Israeli's are capable of, and I see them constantly trying to drag me in.

I'm the first to admit i don't really understand the animosity between the two, but i can definitely see some of the problems. There are serious legal and ethical issues intrinsic to the history of the formation of Israel and those issues need to be addressed, but at the same time, if we spent our time fighting over what our parents did, we'd never have time for anything else which is why i think that whole region is so lacking in innovation, These things are important yes, but not enough to give up the future.

I think of nuclear law much like i think of gun law. the less the better. If we're dumb enough to blow ourselves up, then we shouldn't be allowed to live, and the only way to truly test that is to hand everyone a nuke. We don't even have to make more, just divvy up the thousands America has made.

I don't understand the hesitation, as mentioned before religious nutbars run everything, yet they act like they are afraid to die even as they pray for the "final battle."

I say we return to our roots, commerce with all alliance with none. Why not sell nukes openly? Think how much one would go for on eBay. And think how many schools it would build.

Mass communication and global economics have made us a single organism. Life is risk, to live in fear is suicide. I for one trust humans not to self annihilate. And if they are not worthy of that trust they are not worth of oxygen. I own guns, I've not killed anyone, or myself. I think most countries are at least that smart, even when run by morons, monsters or children.

But like I said, I'm open to correction.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

A Nation of Pedophiles: Are you really shocked? I'm not.

Here we go...

Too young? Preteen girls get bikini waxes - Fashion & Beauty -

Too young? Preteen girls get leg, bikini waxes

Moms are bringing daughters to spas for hair removal before puberty

Image: Girl in heels
“For waxing, 12 years old is the ‘new normal,’ ” said Philadelphia aesthetician Melanie Engle.

By Vidya Rao
TODAY staff
updated 6:07 p.m. ET Aug. 13, 2008

Philadelphia aesthetician Melanie Engle, whose specialty is eyebrow shaping, is no stranger to odd requests. But nothing prepared her for being asked by one client to book a bikini wax appointment for her 8-year-old daughter.

“The first thing I had to do was try and stay calm, and not yell ‘What are
you thinking?’ ” said Engle. “This wasn’t about the girl developing
hair early — it was the mother’s obsession with wanting her daughter to
be a supermodel.”

Why not? You people treat your chidlren like pet robots anyway, and if everything from the Olympics to Tiger Woods has taught us anything its that if you don't start when you're 5, you'll never be great at it, and if the only thing a woman is good for in this society is sex appeal, I see no reason to be surprised at parents starting them young.

How many women live by their looks in this country and live quite well? In what situation socially is being sexy a bad thing? Hell in a way i salute these parents for being upfront about making their chidlren sex slaves in training. For one if men are honest about it, "having" a girl that's been trained her whole life to be a sex kitten is an appealing concept.

Youth = Beauty = Sexy For reasons I've already broken down.

This is a logical step in the path you've chosen, and ironically the puritanism of the middle east and the sexualizing of the young in the west are extremes ends of the same scale.

If you know your kid is going to live off her looks, and lets face it that's pretty common for the western XX crowd, then why not give them an extra decade of training and advantage?

Disgusted? Good, you bloody well should be, but the fault is still yours so long as you think sex is special, love is finite, and jealousy is acceptable. You subsidize jealousy with monogamy, you make sex the only important factor in virtually every endeavor and social event. You make it ok to marry for money which is little more than a long term prostitution contract. And yet you attack or incarcerate anyone who gives away sex, or sells it openly and honestly.

You people are morons. you bash your hands with a hammer and then act all surprised when your hand hurts.

The day a man can announce to his coworkers that he's going to go masturbate or grab a BJ from the local brothel with the ease and acceptance of grabbed a burger at the local cafe is the day this type of shit will die an unlamented death. Until then shut your mouths because you've done this to yourselves by letting The Company rule you with fear, greed, and jealousy.